Due to an ongoing siuation I have not been able to provide the additional information. This is not due to not having all the verifiable information its due to the UK CORPORATION POLICE AND ITS LAWYERS INCLUDING CPS. 

This is seperate from the injunction you may have heard about which is to do with his family life. Lets see if anyone is brave enough to challenge this injunction.


Keir Starmer's time as Prime Minister must come to an end, as we are releasing evidence of his involvement in numerous questionable activities. He has proven to be dishonest and deceitful, lacking both morals and ethics, making him untrustworthy. His actions have included lying and concealing important information, rendering him unqualified to lead our nation.

We possess substantial evidence, including a whistleblower who has verified that he received the file on Saville following a meeting with the Metropolitan Commissioner, Sir Paul Stephenson. This information has been corroborated by another witness who was an integral member of the inner circle.

As head of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), Starmer incurred £236,485 in travel expenses, including expensive first or business class flights to various locations, such as £6,808 to Washington DC and £4,914 to Hong Kong. He also billed £161,273 for a chauffeur-driven vehicle, despite living just four miles from the office, costing taxpayers an average of £1,920 weekly for nearly two years.

Upon leaving the CPS in 2013, Starmer's pension benefits were valued at £336,000, averaging £67,200 annually and caused significant controversy. 

In October 2011, Keir Starmer, then the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) at the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), faced a request to arrest former Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni for alleged war crimes during her visit to London. However, Starmer blocked the application just two days later, citing a Foreign Office ruling that granted Livni "special mission" status. A freedom of information request to obtain all communications related to the case, but the CPS has redacted crucial emails, claiming it would harm public affairs. Given the Labour party's support for Israel's actions in Gaza, it is important to examine Starmer's role in the Livni case.

In June 2011, Starmer met with Moshe Lador, the state attorney of Israel, in London to discuss proposed changes to universal jurisdiction legislation. Three months later, the coalition government introduced modifications following an Israeli diplomatic campaign. The new legislation required the DPP's consent for arrest warrants and a higher evidential standard for proceeding with warrants.

There are 5 key questions Starmer must answer :

1. Why did you meet the head of MI5, the domestic security service, for informal social drinks in April 2013, the year after you decided not to prosecute MI5 for its role in torture?

2. When and why did you join the Trilateral Commission and what does your membership of this intelligence-linked network entail?

3. What did you discuss with then US Attorney General Eric Holder when you met him on 9 November 2011 in Washington DC, at a time you were handling the Julian Assange case as the public prosecutor?

4. What role did you play in the Crown Prosecution Service’s irregular handling of the Julian Assange case during your period as DPP?

5. Why did you develop such a close relationship with the Times newspaper while you were the DPP and does this relationship still exist?

In February 2022, during a parliamentary joust, disgraced former Prime Minister Boris Johnson accused Starmer of having spent his time as CPS chief “prosecuting journalists and failing to prosecute Jimmy Savile.” The broadside ignited a public firestorm, with British politicians of all parties and the entire mainstream media lining up to condemn the premier’s comments as a repulsive libel. A senior Downing Street staffer resigned in disgust. The pressure grew so severe, Johnson retracted his comments in a matter of three days.

However, the fact remained that Starmer was Director of Public Prosecutions when British authorities possessed persuasive evidence of Savile’s heinous sexual crimes over many years, and he inexplicably refused to move against the paedophile. Sources within the CPS have claimed that he had no knowledge of the decision to drop the case. It is also commonly alleged that a formal inquiry he ordered in 2012 into the failure to prosecute Savile condemned investigating police, not the CPS.

As the inquiry report’s contents make clear, this characterisation is completely false. Officers who interviewed Savile’s victims in 2007/8 were indeed slammed for not providing them with more information – namely, that others had independently come forward, telling disturbingly similar stories. The report concluded their testimony should’ve been acted upon, as “there was nothing to suggest that the alleged victims had colluded in their accounts, nor that they were in any way [unreliable].”

Despite this, “police treated them and the accounts they gave with a degree of caution which was neither justified nor required.” It is nonetheless clear officers shut down the investigation under express CPS direction. The Service’s designated “reviewing lawyer” on the allegations – an “extremely experienced ‘rape specialist’” – told police “at an early stage” he “would not be inclined to prosecute these cases because they were ‘relatively minor’,” and due to the time that had elapsed since the offenses were allegedly committed.

The CPS lawyer’s “relatively minor” appraisal of Savile’s heinous crimes “troubled” the inquiry investigator. “I would hope that any prosecutor would regard a sexual assault as being in and of itself serious,” they wrote. “These particular assaults were far from trivial: they represented a course of conduct against vulnerable women and girls by a man who was in effect in a position of trust.” As a result, the investigator had “reservations about the way in which the prosecutor reached his decision”:

“The allegations made were both serious and credible; the prosecutor should have recognised this and sought to ‘build’ a prosecution. In particular, there were aspects of what he was told by the police…which should have caused him to ask further questions…I have been driven to conclude that had the police and prosecutors [emphasis added] taken a different approach a prosecution might have been possible.”


Full details are contained within the file and has all been verified.



Starmer Pdf
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Information has emerged indicating that law enforcement may be attempting to obscure the truth regarding a Polish girl Julia's true identity.

Through Gary Watermans  research,  specific details shared by Julia, has given fresh impetus to her claims. Gary has now verified her Polish family are undeniably linked to Gerald McCann across five different companies, as well as to the Madeleine fund.

This investigation reveals fraudulent activities and connections to individuals such as Robert and Ghislaine Maxwell, the Hampstead Child Abuse inquiry, our new Prime Minister Keir Starmer, You should not be shocked about our Prime ministers possible involvement after Jimmy Saville , clandestine meetings with the CIA ( records now conveniently destroyed), instrumental in Julian Assange incarceration ,  his refusal to implement an international arrest warrant on senior Israelis in 2010 , expenses scandal , his association with Transatlantic whilst in Corbyn's shadow cabinet without telling him , taking funds for Labour from Friends of Israel , inflaming riots by categorising everyone who dared to question illegal immigration as right wing, the list is endless   

The initial evidential research document titled 'Julia,' along with recently obtained screenshots from the Companies House register that confirm the connections to Gerald McCann. Together with the additional evidence presented by Julia, strongly suggests that she is likely Madeleine McCann.

Review the complete document and the associated links in this file, which provide substantial evidence for taking action. This blatant defence of the McCann's can only lead to one conclusion.

The citizens of this nation cannot remain passive while corruption persists among those in authority. If law enforcement fails to confront the misdeeds of our politicians, the public will take action. As we approach the brink of nuclear conflict, deprived of our freedoms and feeling powerless, there has never been a more critical moment to unite. It is evident that those in power exert control over all aspects of our lives, and unless we come together, we risk facing catastrophic consequences. We are not without power if we stand united.

Distribute this document widely, reach out to your Member of Parliament to advocate for action, and visit your local police station to inquire further. Share it with all local news channels and media organizations. If you are part of a faith community, connect with senior members and build a collective pressure that cannot be overlooked. Should these efforts not yield results, it is essential for us to unite, regardless of our differences in race, faith, or political beliefs, as this issue transcends those boundaries. We know that only a country march to Parliament by everyone will be the final option. 

See you on the other side !

Madeline McCann investigation

7 Pdf
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