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Its not a mere game we are engaged in, and although some threats may originate from fantasists, there are others that undeniably carry an intention. Fortunately, I have had the fortune of narrowly escaping one such incident on June 2nd, 2024.

I have dedicated a significant amount of time to this project because I wanted to ensure that everyone understands the history, purpose, and individuals involved. It is crucial that we no longer ignore or dismiss the fact that money and power should not impede the pursuit of justice.

Bohemian Grove serves as a gathering place for world leaders, where they have been recorded for potential blackmail purposes. Once you have read through the information and examined the references, you will see how all of this connects to the concept of blackmail. JAOC will provide evidence and references to support every statement made in the document, allowing you to independently verify the details.

Similar to any modern criminal organization, there exists a public façade and a hidden one. I am not suggesting that every person who has attended Bohemian Grove is guilty of heinous crimes. However, their participation and witnessing of certain practices indicate their awareness of child abuse with a satanic agenda.

The content will be divided into five parts. The first part will cover the history, structure, and purpose of this society. The second part will focus on the individuals involved and the ongoing crimes being committed as more people come forward. The third part will consist of 100 testimonies from survivors. The fourth part will delve into the European group with strong ties to British Royalty, including a crime boss who acted as a procurer and whose gang remains a key player within the group, protected by individuals in positions of authority. The fifth part will feature Dutch testimonies detailing specific times, places, and individuals involved, including Queen Beatrix.